Thank you for your interest in the Strauss Library search service. Please review the descriptions of the two tiers of service we offer to see which best fits your needs and then fill out the search request form. Librarians retain the right to change tiers to accurately reflect the nature of the work being conducted. Once we receive your request, we will be in contact with you about an estimated start date. This is a high-demand service, often with wait times of several months.
This service is not available for student-led projects, such as Comprehensive Exams or MSA projects. Students are encouraged to request a consultation.
Tier 1 (Systematic Review)
Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, practice guidelines, or scoping reviews - publications that require comprehensive searches in multiple resources.
The searcher typically manages the following tasks: conducting the literature search in relevant resources, managing the citations, writing sections on the search methodology for the manuscript, providing general advice and guidance on tools or resources pertinent to the systematic review process.
Who: Project lead must be Faculty with University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus affiliation.
Requirements: Completed protocol form, $300 fee*; co-authorship for searcher librarian; minimum three actively involved team members in addition to the searcher librarian.
Deliverables: Development of comprehensive search strategies; translation to other databases; EndNote library; Covidence support; PRISMA numbers/diagram; search methods section.
Protocol Form: Upon submitting a Tier I request you will be sent a fillable protocol form. Please complete this protocol form to be added to the waitlist. A sample protocol form can be viewed here.
MOU: PI and librarian searcher are required to sign the Memorandum of Understanding. Click here to view the MOU (the MOU will be signed later in coordination with the searcher).
Tier 2 (Search Strategy)
Brief projects that do not require an exhaustive search, for example, background literature review for a paper presenting original data, grant proposal, book chapter, narrative overview of a topic, IRB/IACUC protocol.
Who: Faculty and staff with University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus affiliation.
Requirements: $100 fee*; librarian acknowledgement.
Deliverables: Search strategies for up to three databases with instructions on how to run them.
*If no funds are available to cover the fee, a waiver may be requested using the form below.