- Study rooms are for use by University of Colorado students/staff/faculty and other university affiliates.
- Users can book a max of 8 hours per day of study room reservation. Gaming of the system is discouraged and if patterns are found that disadvantage other users, the library reserves the right to contact you and may remove your bookings.
- Reservations can be made up to 8 weeks in advance.
- You must use your @cuanschutz.edu or @ucdenver.edu email address to make a reservation. Affiliates without this email can use the walk-in study rooms.
- Public users are strongly encouraged to study in open public areas and tables provided around the library.
- An appropriate ID is required to use the room. Appropriate ID includes:
- University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus badge IDs, other CU campus badges, affiliated centers, and hospital ID badges are recognized.
- Users in a study room may be asked at any time for badge ID by library staff or other university users needing to use the room.
- The library reserves the right to ask for badges and the status of users in study rooms. Inability to produce proper ID forfeits the right to use the study room.
- Please keep confirmation emails of your reservation which provide proof of your booking and a link to cancel the booking yourself anytime.
- Users must make their reservations using the online system; please cancel if you do not need the room.
- The Study Zone and its 2406 rooms can only be accessed by users with an Anschutz campus ID badge.
- We encourage single individuals to use the study rooms designated for single study.
- We encourage groups to use the larger rooms designated for group study. Groups are defined as two or more people.
- Users arriving more than 30 minutes after their reservation forfeit their time.
- If you find belongings left unattended in the rooms, you can go to the service desk on the 1st floor and ask for assistance.
- We expect that students will abide by this policy, respect other users, and work with library staff and other library patrons if conflict over the room occurs.