Alumni Access to Library Resources

Sponsorship of Alumni Access to Library Resources

Database access for alumni is currently provided by the Office of Alumni Relations and the Strauss Health Sciences Library. If you would like to provide feedback about alumni access please contact the library.

Sign up for Alumni Access

To gain access, first, sign up for alumni access. You will first be vetted by the Office of Alumni Relations. Then, a staff member of the Strauss Health Sciences Library will contact you with your assigned username and password

Anschutz Alumni Logo

Select Databases Available to Alumni

You may choose to login to our system first or go directly to the following databases for access:

  • JAMA
    Access to our 12 JAMA Network subscribed titles.​
  • JoVE
    Peer-reviewed, PubMed indexed journal featuring biological, medical, chemical, and physical research as well as basic and complex experimental techniques in a video format.
  • Annual Reviews
    Annual Reviews is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide the worldwide scientific community with a useful and intelligent synthesis of the primary research literature for a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines. Annual Reviews volumes are published each year for focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences.
  • Project MUSE
    Project MUSE is a provider of digital humanities and social science content for the scholarly community. MUSE is a trusted source of complete, full-text versions of scholarly journals from many of the world's leading university presses and scholarly societies.
  • SAGE
    Scholarly articles from SAGE journals in the social sciences and humanities, the life sciences, biomedical sciences, neuroscience, pharmacology, engineering, and material sciences.
  • Data-Planet Statistical Datasets
    Data Planet Statistical Datasets provides access to an extensive repository of standardized and structured statistical data. ​
  • HeinOnline Social Justice Suite
    ​Hein aims to “help foster knowledge, facilitate civil discourse, and encourage action for the betterment of our nation".
  • Open Access & Freely Available Databases
    The Strauss Library has curated a list of open access and freely available databases. These databases are available to all users regardless of University status.

Alumni access is only provided for these resources at this time. The library is not able to provide access to more resources due to the cost and license agreements with vendors. 

How to login as an Alumni

When logging on you should no longer use your University Credentials. Instead, go to the "All Other Univ Users Without University Credentials" and login using the username and password provided by library staff. 

Off campus access login page showing the third tab open for All Other Users without University Credentials

Additional Library Services for Alumni

Access more information about borrowing privileges and ILL for alumni here.