Conduct Policy

The primary mission of the Strauss Health Sciences Library at Anschutz Medical Center is to serve students, faculty, and staff of the University of Colorado Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus. The library’s collections and resources including facilities are also available to University of Colorado students, faculty, and staff, Colorado health care practitioners, and members of the general public expressing information needs.

Users of the library have a right to expect the following:

  • access to library materials in their entirety and in unmarked condition;
  • access to library resources and personnel;
  • appropriate behavior from other library users as defined by University codes of conduct, pertinent University of Colorado System policies, and the Laws of the Board of Regents;
  • an atmosphere conducive to study and research.

The Strauss Library and its staff reserve the right to determine what is inappropriate and harmful to the library environment and mission. To ensure an appropriate environment for study and research, certain behaviors are prohibited, including but not limited to those listed below.

Users shall refrain from the following while on the library’s property:

  • removing or attempting to remove library materials or property without proper check-out or authorization;
  • damaging or misusing library materials or property in any manner;
  • preempting the availability of materials to other users in any manner;
  • leaving unattended personal property on tables or in rooms for extended periods. All personal belongings should be taken when exiting the library;
  • bringing food/drink into the 3rd floor Special Collections and Rare Books rooms;
  • being in unauthorized areas of the library, refusing to leave the library when requested by staff (including emergencies and drills), or remaining in the library after the closing time applicable to user’s status as CU Anschutz badge-holder or member of the public – only University students and personnel with proper ID badge may enter and be in the library after public closing;
  • engaging in disruptive behavior or activities including, but not limited to, audible use of pagers, cellular phones, and dictation equipment; rowdiness; noise; and inappropriate sexual behavior;
  • engaging in harassing, threatening, intimidating, or stalking behaviors; or making unwelcome sexual advances toward other library users or staff;
  • bathing in or misusing restroom facilities;
  • disrupting other users due to poor hygiene and foul body odor;
  • smoking, using e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or other smokeless tobacco products of any kind, pursuant to University policy;
  • habitual sleeping in the library;
  • bringing in and/or consuming alcohol;
  • entering with duffel bags, bedrolls, sleeping bags, trash bags, shopping carts and/or excessive personal belongings;
  • engaging in sales or other forms of personal commerce without proper approval and authorization;
  • using public access computer workstations inappropriately as outlined in the Library Computer Policy or the University of Colorado System’s Providing and Using Information Technology policy (Section B, Statement of Policy, available at ). This includes, but is not limited to:
    • viewing pornography or sexually offensive material;
    • online gambling on library computers;
    • excessive amounts of food, drink, or waste near library computers;
  • leaving and/or stowing trash in any location other than trash cans and recycling bins;
  • leaving children under age 13 unattended or unsupervised;
  • bringing in animals or pets (except for service animals);
  • bringing bicycles into the library.

Persons who commit, or attempt to commit, violations of acceptable conduct as stated in Compensation, Benefits, and Other Personnel Matters Laws of the Board of Regents, 11.D.2, Standards of Conduct for Persons who are not Employees Laws of the Board of Regents, 14.B.4, or this Conduct Policy, whether a member of the University community or not, may be asked to leave the campus and may face applicable penalties.

All persons on University property must identify themselves upon request of a University employee who reasonably suspects that the person has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime as defined by state or federal law, or a violation of a University rule or regulation or to confirm the person is authorized to be in the library after hours. Properly authorized personnel may exclude any person from University property whose behavior is deemed detrimental to the well-being of the University or incompatible with the function of the University as an educational institution Standards of Conduct for Persons who are not Employees Laws of the Board of Regents, 14.B.4.

The library will actively pursue disciplinary action, or other legal action for offenses.