10% Discount on Select Elsevier Author Processing Cost (APC)s

Elsevier logo over keyboard with the word 'publish' on a key
Written by
Michelle Schonken
Hannah Pollard

Exciting news! To better support open access, CU Anschutz affiliates* get a 10% discount for APCs for publishing in select Elsevier fully gold open access journals. Use the Colorado Alliance's interactive journal finder to see which journals qualify. To be eligible, articles must be submitted after April 1, 2024 by the corresponding/submitting author affiliated with our organization/institution to have the discount applied. You can check out the Elsevier agreement and the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, both of which made this deal possible. 

Open-access articles are available at no cost to the reader but often require an APC. These funds allow open-access journals to operate by paying for necessities such as cloud storage, security, and domain fees. Keep in mind when applying the 10% discount that APCs vary by journal.  

Learn more at: 

*Affiliates include enrolled students, residents, staff, fellows, faculty, adjunct/adjoint faculty, preceptors, and CU Medicine employees. If you are unsure if you qualify, contact Tina Drew at tina.drew@cuanschutz.edu