Welcome Laura Riley!

Laura with a background of leafy trees
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Collection Management

The Strauss Library welcomes our new faculty member, Laura Riley! She started working in the Collection Management department in June. 

Here's a short Q&A with Laura to introduce her. 


Q. What is your position title and what is your interest in libraries? 

I’m the new metadata librarian. That means I describe information resources to make them more findable for users. I started cataloging and working with metadata at Denver Public Library where I worked for four and half years. Before cataloging, I was in public services working the reference desk and putting on programming for families at DPL as well as Aurora Public Library.  


Q. What is your educational background? What schools did you attend? 

I went to CU Boulder for undergrad, so working for CU Anschutz feels kind of full circle. I majored in Spanish Language and Literature, minored in leadership studies, and studied abroad in Valparaíso, Chile. I earned my Master of Library Science degree from Emporia State University.  


Q. What is your favorite part of your job? 

I love being around books (print or otherwise). I’ve been a book nerd since elementary school. Metadata creation and cataloging is a fun way for me to engage with books and other resources because it requires hardcore analysis, which really appeals to my brain. I’m always learning something new from the resources I work with, and getting curious about subjects I’d never seek out myself.  


Q. Would you like to talk about where you are from? 

Sure! I’m from Steamboat Springs, Colorado. I had a magical childhood there skiing, camping, dirtbiking, riding horses, running around barefoot in the woods, etc. It’s a beautiful place. I came to the Front Range for school and stayed because I like the diversity of people and cultures in the city. 


Q. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? 

Oof. I love international travel and have been fortunate enough to visit a lot of amazing places already. Here’s my current wishlist: Morocco, Spain, Japan, Vietnam, Togo (my husband’s father was from Togo). 


Q. How do you spend your free time? 

I have a three-year-old daughter and an eight-month-old baby boy, so “free time” is an elusive mythical legend in my house! But I try hard to exercise everyday—running, biking, weights, etc.--see friends and family, get outside, and read a bit if I can! 


Q. What’s your favorite book? 

Good gravy, these are hard hitters. Top three in recent memory: Lucinda Williams’ memoir Don’t Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You (she’s one of my heroes), The Round House by Louise Erdrich, and Peripheral by William Gibson (I love some top-notch sci-fi). 


Q. What do you hope to gain from working at Strauss Library?

I think working at Strauss will help me bring my librarianship skills to the next level. And I’ve already gained a super inspiring and fun set of colleagues!