It is the policy of the University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus to follow the fair use provisions of the Copyright Law (contained in Title 17 of the U.S. Code).
For information about Copyright policies and procedures, please visit the following links.
Within the procedures of processing materials for the purpose of placing them on reserve, the Strauss Health Sciences Library adheres to the following requirements:
- Course Reserves will be processed for CU Anschutz courses only.
- Material will only be available for the semester the class is being taught.
- CU Anschutz Faculty are responsible for making the initial determination of fair use and acknowledging copyright compliance when making requests to place items on reserve.
- CU Anschutz Faculty are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions when needed, and presenting proof of copyright permission for items that require it.
If you have questions and concerns about Course Reserves contact Andrew Gagnon, Access Services Specialist, by email at