Visiting PASCAL
Patrons must make an appointment to use material at PASCAL during the regular operating hours of the facility, 8:00am - 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Patrons should request items in advance of their scheduled appointment so that the material can be retrieved and acclimated before use. Patrons are encouraged to make appointments at least 24 hours in advance via email at: or phone at 303-724-1114. Patrons may use materials in the PASCAL conference room. A photocopier is available. PASCAL Libraries are responsible for assuring that users who wish to use PASCAL materials on site make an advance appointment and come prepared with valid identification.
Patrons should make their requests online through their home library’s catalogue. Paging slips will be generated once daily, in the morning. Requested items will be packaged for the courier and sent to requesting libraries (including Prospector requests). All PASCAL member library faculty, staff and students with a valid borrower card from any PASCAL member library campus are eligible to borrow materials from PASCAL. Courtesy and paid borrowers with valid borrower cards from the PASCAL campuses may borrow materials from PASCAL.
PASCAL staff will not lend books directly to non-PASCAL library patrons. Non-PASCAL patrons must borrow through Interlibrary Loan according to the loan rules established by each lending unit. PASCAL will check out materials to the lending units, which will lend materials to the requesting libraries. Upon return of the item the lending unit will place the item in transit to PASCAL.

Document Delivery
PASCAL member libraries must send document delivery requests through Illiad or email. Non-member libraries can access the PASCAL collection through Illiad or via email correspondence with the owning library’s ILL department. All scanned articles are delivered through Illiad or email.
Mediated Use
- On site use of material is not supervised by PASCAL staff. Patrons should make an appointment in advance before visiting PASCAL. There is a PASCAL reading room where patrons may use and look at the material on their own.
- Home library only restrictions & Rare Material - Libraries may designate material for home library use only. Rare materials can only be used at the owning library.
Onsite Reading Room
- The PASCAL reading room is available only to use stored materials onsite.
- The library user must possess a valid form of identification issued by a PASCAL library to use stored material at the PASCAL site. Other users must go through their ILL/Prospector procedures.
- Materials are retrieved for users by PASCAL staff and brought to the reading room for use. The collection is not designed for direct access by users.
- Because the staff at PASCAL is limited and the retrieval of material from high density stacks takes some time, it is recommended that users come prepared with the citations of each item they wish to use. Prior appointments are strongly encouraged.
- No food, drink or smoking.
- No equipment is available at PASCAL for viewing of material such as microfilm, videocassettes, etc. The Health Sciences Library on the Anschutz campus, not far from PASCAL, does have equipment for viewing video but does not own any microfilm reader/printers.