Bates Physical Examination Videos

Head-to-Toe Assessment of the Infant

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Volume 2 covers the comprehensive examination of an infant patient focusing on how the examination differs from that of adults and even older children. Special attention is placed on the sequence of examination, flexibility of the clinician, and varying temperaments of the infant as well as tips for infant cooperation.

Head-to-Toe Assessment of the Child

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Volume 3 covers the comprehensive examination of children with special attention placed on adapting to the child’s mood, behavior, and level of development. Special tips for assessing and engaging children as well as adjusting the sequence and style of the examination are also covered.

Head-to-Toe Assessment of the Older Adult

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Volume 4 focuses on adjusting interview techniques and office environment to meet the needs of older adults including adjusting pace and content as well as allowing time for the patient’s story. Attention is placed on the importance of functional assessment and screening for preventing falls.

General Survey & Vital Signs

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Volume 6 covers techniques for assessing and describing the patient’s general appearance including level of consciousness, signs of distress, apparent state of health, and facial expression. Techniques for assessing the height, weight, and build of the patient are covered as well as measuring the patient’s vital signs. Special attention is given to assessing and managing pain.

Skin, Hair, & Nails

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Volume 7 begins with a review of the anatomy of the skin, hair, and nails. Techniques for assessing the color, moisture, temperature, texture, and mobility of the skin are covered as well as techniques for identifying lesions, tumors, and nevi.

Thorax & Lungs

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Volume 12 begins with a review of the anatomy and physiology of the thorax and lungs. Techniques for examining the posterior and anterior chest wall are covered as well as inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Special attention is placed on the identification of percussion notes and breath sounds as well as health concerns related to smoking.

Cardiovascular System

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Volume 13 includes a review of the vascular structures of the neck as well as techniques to estimate the jugular venous pressure and how to assess the carotid upstroke. After reviewing the anatomy of the heart, techniques for determining the point of maximal impulse and auscultating heart sounds and murmurs are covered as well as palpating for heaves, lifts, and thrills.

Peripheral Vascular System

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Volume 14 covers assessment of the arterial pulses including brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial. Techniques for assessing the lower extremity venous system and the lymphatic system are also covered as is screening for peripheral arterial disease. Special attention is placed on assessment for chronic arterial insufficiency and venous insufficiency.

Breasts & Axillae

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Volume 15 begins with a review of breast anatomy as well as techniques for examining the breast and axillae. Techniques for identifying masses and assessing risk factors for breast cancer are covered, including risk assessment tools and screening recommendations for mammography, clinical breast exam, and self-breast examination.


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Volume 16 covers the physical examination of the abdomen. Techniques for light and deep palpation are covered as well as auscultating bowel sounds and inspecting for symmetry, scars, and striae. Additional attention is given to assessing for guarding and rebound tenderness as well as listening for and identifying abdominal and inguinal bruits.

Genitourinary System: Penis, Scrotum, & Prostate

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Volume 17 reviews the anatomy of male genitalia and hernias as well as the rectum, anus, and prostate. Techniques for examining the external male genitalia as well as the anus, rectum, and prostate are covered. Special attention is given to assessing direct and indirect inguinal or femoral hernias as well as teaching the self-testicular examination.

Genitourinary System: Vulva, Vagina, Uterus, & Adnexa

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Volume 18 covers examination of both the external and internal female genitalia. Techniques for performing a speculum and bimanual examination of the internal genitalia are covered as well as how to collect the Papaniculou smear. Special attention is given to patient privacy and preparation for the pelvic examination including draping and positioning the patient during the examination.