Finding Full Text


The best way to find full text within a database (such as PubMed) is to use the Strauss Library Article Linker button, which appears next to article titles in the search results:

Strauss Library Article linker button

Click the Strauss Library Article Linker button to see if full text is available: 

  • If the full text article is available, the PDF should open directly. 
    • If the PDF does not open within your browser window, check your browser's downloads folder. You can usually change this setting by searching your browser's support page for information on changing the default location for saved PDFs.
    • Occasionally, we may have access to the full text but the PDF may not open directly and you will be taken to a page in the library catalog. Look for blue hyperlinks in the white display box that appear next to "Full text available at". Clicking the hyperlink will take you to the full text.
Arrow pointing to article access link in library catalog record.
  • If we do not have access to the full text, you will be taken to a page in the library catalog. In the "View It" section, click the link titled "Click here for Interlibrary Loan" to request the article. For more information, visit our Interlibrary Loan page.
Library catalog record message showing no full text is available for this resource.

LibKey Nomad

An alternative to clicking the Strauss Library Article Linker button is to install LibKey Nomad. This is a browser extension that provides instant links to full text articles within database search results. Learn more about LibKey Nomad.

Library Search

If you are looking for a specific article, you can search for it in our catalog. Go to Library Search, then enter (or copy and paste) the article title into the search box. If you do not see your article in the results list, you can order it through Interlibrary Loan.

Off Campus Access

You can access full text articles while off campus, but you must sign in to access the resources. 

To get the Strauss Library Article Linker button to appear in PubMed while off campus, use either of the following options:

Reporting a Problem

If you encounter links that are not working from Article Linker, or any other problems, we encourage you to Report a Problem.

Report a problem link in the library catalog record.

Contact us with any questions or comments via the AskUs.