Strauss Library Wishes!

Cartoon hands grabbing opposite sides of a wishbone getting ready to pull.


Strauss Library Wishes was open from September 18th until October 8th, 2023.

Below are wishes that faculty, staff, and students at Anschutz Campus have submitted to the library in previous years.

We have included wishes that were granted and wishes that were not granted.

Thank you for helping make the library everything you want it to be!

All Amboss Requests

Please continue providing AMBOSS subscriptions!! It was invaluable to my studying last year, and I anticipate using it extensively this year. Plus, having to take the step exams back to back means we would otherwise have to pay for multiple subscriptions.

Wish Response

Thank you for submitting a library wish request for AMBOSS. We received multiple wishes for renewing our one-year trial subscription and/or expanding our subscription to include more medical students. We understand that many students find it very useful for study and exam preparation. It is an expensive resource and the library needs to investigate funding options. We may also look into some other exam prep tools suggested by students if our budget allows.

You may already know about this, but the library does subscribe to BoardVitals. It has question banks for USMLE 1-3, and shelf exams for the following areas:

NBDE I, NBDE II, NAPLEX, NCLEX RN, PANCE; Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology, OBGYN, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Surgery.

Please visit us again for Library Wishes Campaign updates.


Makerspace: Equipment such as 3d printer, laser cutter, cricut cutter, sewing machine and classes on how to use them in med ed or pt education

Wish Response

Thank you for this library wish for a Makerspace. It is a wish we would love to explore, however we are not able to provide and staff a Makerspace in the library at the current time. That said, we’ll keep thinking about this and keep it on the library’s own “wish list”. A well-equipped Makerspace would need adequate allocated space in the building, with proper outside ventilation in the space for 3d printers. Additional employees would also be needed at the library in order to staff the space, maintain equipment, and provide training to users.  

We do have a partner in the library, CU Inworks which is part of the CU College of Engineering, Design and Computing. 

Although Inworks’ lab on the Anschutz Medical Campus doesn’t offer drop-in hours for traditional makerspace activities, they’d love to meet with you to hear your project ideas or requests  -- anything that enhances patient care, research, or education on the campus is fair game! Contact them at or submit a new request here

Although located downtown with a focus on students in the College of Engineering, Inworks’ downtown location is also available to students from CU Anschutz. The equipment list includes 3D printers, sewing machine, laser cutter and more. Hours are Mondays/Wednesdays, 2 pm – 7 pm and Tuesdays/Thursdays, 12:30 – 7 pm. New users receive safety and equipment training in order to use the desired equipment. 

There is also a business nearby – Mindcraft Makerspace in the nearby Stanley Marketplace. 


I wish the fridges weren't crammed full of old expired food. Maybe put signs up and clean them out every Saturday morning?

Wish Response

We have tried over the years to do a serious cleanout and deep cleaning of the fridges twice per year. They do get used a lot. We will look into a monthly routine of disposing of expired food and items obviously out of date. Thanks.


Retain free Prospector/COAlliance privileges for retired staff and faculty.

Great way to cultivate donors, retain engagement, and support lifelong learning.

Wish Response

This is already the case for any retired faculty/staff who maintain a borrowing account with Strauss Library. If you have a borrowing account with us but Prospector is not working, please let us know and we will fix that and add you to Prospector.

Service Desk

Thin point whiteboard markers! Also, more colors would be nice.

Wish Response

Yes, we will do this. Thank you. 


Please put more soap dispensers in the women's bathroom on the 2nd floor near the Hub. They are always empty. Thank you!!!

Wish Response

We will request additional dispensers from campus Facilities. Thanks.


Sound proofed rooms for interviews or zoom calls

Wish Response

Future renovations may allow for this but at this time none of the rooms in the library are soundproofed.


PLEASE make it cooler in the library

Wish Response

Thank you. This is difficult to grant as a general wish. Set points for temperature in the building are managed by campus Facilities and as we can imagine everyone has different preferences for and feelings about what is too cold or too hot. I will pass along a general comment to Facilities that some users feel it is too warm in the building and the library has done this some times over the past years. If you can report it being too hot in specific areas when you are in the library we can use those immediate reports to have Facilities look into it. 


It would be nice to be able to have online access to McGraw Hill books through Access Medicine. Mostly, I am referring to the textbook Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2023, which is a gold standard literary resource used by the NCCPA for Physician Assistants. I have included a link to the book through Access Medicine below.

Wish Response

Unfortunately the book you requested is not available for purchase as a single ebook from McGraw Hill. The library does have a print subscription and the 2023 edition will be processed soon. If you need a chapter from the book, you could use our document delivery service Access Medicine is high on our wish list and we will investigate subscription options when collection budget allows.